Friday, 13 July 2012

Nearly halfway there!

So, after a couple of months of ups and downs, I've got down to the lowest weight I've been since I started Weight Watchers. I lost 1/2lb this week, taking me down to 10st 9.5lb, which is a loss of 26lbs (1st 11.5lb) so far, woo. I have just 2.5lbs to go until I'm halfway there, and will have lost 2st of the 4 I decided to lose when I started in February 2010. I should be able to lose those 2.5lbs in a couple of weeks - fingers crossed!

Want these shoes for my wedding!
I've bought my wedding dress (well, my Mum has anyway!) since I last posted, in a size smaller than I currently am. I'd love to be a size 12 (1st 2.5lbs (16.5lbs) to go) for my wedding day in the Autumn, though I'd still be happy with being on the slim end of size 14. I think size 14 is a more realistic goal! I'd have to have my dress taken in if I get any slimmer than that - not that that would be a bad thing at all :) Now I just need to get my shoes, jewellery, hair accessories ...

Image from Elle
I will have to treat myself to something nice once I reach that size 14 milestone. The shops are starting to get their Autumn ranges in, so it would be good to get me some new season clothes. Disappointing British summers tend to make me want to just skip this season altogether and go straight to Autumn. Fashion magazines start talking about A/W trends about now, and I get impatient to start wearing new things - nice jackets and such. Looks like there will be some decent military/utility jackets around this season - I do like this one from Burberry Prorsum, and their little bow belts - perfect for showing off the tiny little waist that I will have! I do like a bit of velvet too, which looks like it's coming back for A/W - a good incentive for slimming back into my size 14 velvet dresses. Though I'll probably end up going geek chic in a big knit like I usually do. At least I'll be on-trend!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

A little treat

A half a pound weight loss this week, and 2.5lbs off last week, means that I now only have 3.5lbs to go until I'm 10st 7lb, halfway to goal, and a size 14. I've been planning for a while that I would treat myself to a few new clothes once I got to size 14, and this week I couldn't wait. I like to give myself some little non-food treats sometimes when I've lost weight, and Friday just happened to be payday. So I went to New Look straight after my meeting, saw some purple skinnies and tried them on. Size 14, and they zipped right up. So I had to have them.

I've been wearing a few 14s lately anyway - I wear a size 14 skirt to work most days. Won't be long til I've lost the 3.5lbs and I'm 'officially' a size 14! The jeans will fit better then, lol. It took me about 6 months to drop my first dress size, but that was nearly two years ago, so I've been waiting a long time for this! I have the wedding to motivate me now though, so I will get there, and beyond to size 12.

I have 1st 3.5lbs (17.5lbs) to go until I'm 9st 7lb, and a size 12. If I want to be there for the wedding, I have 17.5lbs to lose in 24 weeks. I can do it!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Wedding Weight Loss

Something borrowed, something blue, something old and a slim new you.

Nicked that from a Slimming World ad. Cheesy, but I quite like it :)

So we finally have a venue for our wedding, and therefore a definite date. I was thinking that knowing the date meant that, if I want to be at goal for the wedding, I'd have to lose 33lbs in 29 weeks. Which might be doable, but I don't think I need to lose that much to be a size 12 bride. If a stone is a dress size, I would only need to lose about 20lbs to get there (at about 9st 7lb) in time. Which I can definitely do.

I've lost a few more pounds since I last posted, taking me down to 10st 12lb at my last weigh-in on the 6th of April. Great to be back under 11st, although Easter and then visiting the family last Saturday mean that I haven't lost since then. Time off is fun sometimes though :) Next challenge is my 30th birthday next weekend ...

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Inch Loss

So, in the past eight weeks, I have lost 2" from my waist, 1.5" from my hips, and 2" from my thigh. Gained half an inch on my upper arm though, randomly. Maybe I've gained muscle at the gym? An error in measurements is more likely though, and it is only half an inch after all!

I've lost on average half a pound a week since I restarted Weight Watchers. It's not a vast amount, but 4.5lbs (down from 11st 6lb to 11st 1.5lb) is enough of a loss to see a difference, so I'm happy. If I can lose 8.5lbs in the next 6 weeks I'll be a size 14 for my 30th birthday (29th April), which would be great, but I'll be happy to get there by the summer. The main goal for this year is to be a size 12 for our wedding, which will hopefully be at the end of October (even though we haven't got anything booked yet!), so fingers crossed (and eyes crossed so I can't see cakes) for that.

Friday, 2 March 2012


1.5lbs off last week, and half a pound off today, so now I've lost a third of the dreaded 9lbs that I'd put on between July and January. Lose a pound a week for the next six weeks, and I will have got rid of the dreaded 9lbs, lost more than half a stone, and be getting more of the aforementioned vouchers. Losing half a stone before the end of the month sounds good to me. Keep losing at the same rate, and I might even finally get to size 14 for my 30th birthday!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Back on it

Just been for my fourth meeting since I've restarted Weight Watchers, and I've lost a pound so far. Had lost 1/2 lb the second week, then put it back on (oops - naughty chips), and lost 1 lb this week. Feeling optimistic that I can keep it up :)

Hoping to lose a stone by the summer - I need to dig out a summery size 14 dress for inspiration :D

Monday, 9 January 2012

Bad news and good

Ugh. I have put on 9lbs since July, when I last went to Weight Watchers. Nine pounds. A few of those can be blamed on Christmas, but it's still pretty bad. I weighed that much 18 months ago.

I hadn't been to meetings because I was unable to get more vouchers, due to not having lost enough weight. I get vouchers to go to WW for free via my GP, as I have PCOS and my BMI is over 30. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is an illness that is partly caused by being overweight, and also causes sufferers to put on weight. Treatments for it include weight loss, hence the free vouchers. I get 12 week's worth of vouchers at a time, and they generally recommend that I lose about half a stone during that 12-week period. I didn't lose anything this time round though, so no vouchers for me.

Good news is that, after a "6 month cooling off period" (not sure who is supposed to be cooling off) I have been able to apply for more vouchers and should be getting them soon. So the weight can start to come back off again, and I can stop feeling like I'm letting myself down.

I am making some effort though - I joined a gym, and have been going 2-3 times a week since early November. I hadn't lost any weight with that, though muscle does weigh more than fat (not just an excuse - the personal trainer said so!). So I may be fatter, but at least I'm getting fitter. My limbs feel more toned, and my stamina is steadily improving. I'm finding that I enjoy it too, which is quite a surprise! Me enjoying exercise. That's just wrong XD