Friday, 15 August 2014

Autumn Style

It's this time of year I start looking forward to Autumn, or at least Autumn clothes. I imagine all these snuggly but stylish outfits, then when the colder weather comes I forget what I was looking foward to wearing. So, because I tend to forget all these fabulous outfit ideas, I thought that this year I'd record them all somewhere.

As Autumn is the season of the boot, these outfits will of course involve my new boots:

For outfits to wear with the boots, I rather like this Utility Chic look that appeared in an an email New Look sent me a few weeks ago:

I like a 90s check shirt, and I'm enjoying fashion's current 90s nostalgia. I already have a khaki skirt and check shirt in similar tones, so I'm all ready for this look.

Continuing the 90s theme, I love anything floaty-girlie with seriously clompy boots. Contrast is good.

Gaultier. Image from

I recently bought a folk style dress similar to this one (though mine was a charity shop bargain, yay):

Image from

I'll have to give this one a few Autumnal outings, with leggings and the aforementioned clompy boots.

I tend to look forward to Autumn as a time to wear some gorgeous little jackets (then end up wearing the same parka most of the season) so here's a reminder to myself of my favourite velvet jacket:

That's me wearing it on my wedding day, nearly two years ago. I've hardly worn it since - I should! Velvet is pretty.

Talking of jackets, I bought a khaki jacket a few years ago because I'd watched Scott Pilgrim and was having a little style crush on Ramona Flowers:

Image from

Now I fancy wearing it Clara Oswald style with a dark red dress and, of course, the boots:

Image from
 I do already have the dress (which looks pinkish here but is more maroon irl):

Image from

Which would also look cute worn in this earthy sort of country style:

Image from
It reminds me of the Japanese 'Mori Girl' (forest girl) style, which is rather lovely too:

Image from
Autumn is a time for lots of knitwear, and I like this way of both glamming up a grey jumper and toning down the glam of a sparkly skirt:

I'll be trying it with a grey sweatshirt and a black glittery skirt of my own.

I bought a black maxi dress this summer, and would like to keep it wearable for the cooler weather by layering it up.

My as-yet-unworn Florence top seems a good place to start.

Girliness, velvet and nostalgia toughened up with some seriously clompy boots. Should be a stylish season.

Images mostly collected in my Style board on Pinterest. There's so many pretties on there that I thought I'd edit it down a bit with this post.