Friday 25 February 2011

10% again

In my previous post, I mentioned getting back down to my 10% goal of 11st 3lbs. Well now I'm 11st 2lbs, woo! Lost three pounds this week :) So now I know what's in the Totally 10% booklet:

It's full of motivational stuff, like the health benefits of weight loss, and how to get into good habits.

Losing 3lbs this week has got me thinking. If I lose 3lbs a week, I'll be a size 14 by Mid March. Or if I lose 2lbs a week, I'll be size 14 by late March.

I'm aiming for a size 12 eventually, though my goal weight might make me slimmer than that. I worked out in this post from last year that, because I was a size 18 when I started, at 12st 7lbs, and I got down to a size 16 when I was about 11st 7lbs, that losing a stone also equals dropping a dress size. If I'm right about that, I'll go like this:

Size 18 = 12st 7lbs (My starting size/weight)
Size 16 = 11st 7lbs (I'm currently 11st 2lbs)
Size 14 = 10st 7lbs (9lbs to go)
Size 12 = 9st 7lbs
Size 10 = 8st 7lbs

If I do end up a size 10 though, I'll be able to shop in teen ranges (both size 10 and age 14-15 have a 27.5" waist, according to the New Look website), which should save me a bit of money. And if I get down to a size 8(!) I'll be able to wear the right (kids) size for my height. Do I want to be that thin though?

Friday 18 February 2011

I'm kind of bad at this

2lbs to lose til I reach my 10% goal. Again. I originally reached my 10% goal of 11st 4lbs on the 22nd of July last year, then got under 11st at the end of September. Now though, I'm back up to 11st 5lbs. On the new plan, my 10% goal appears to be 11st 3lbs. Not sure why it's different, but hey. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll get to see what's in the 'Totally 10%' booklet.

Though I doubt very much that I'll get a second one of these :)

My 10% keyring

I wanted to be a size 14 by Halloween. That didn't happen. Then I said Christmas. That didn't happen either. Now I'm thinking late March.

On the bright side though, I do seem to have had a bit of inch-loss, which is something. An inch from my upper arm, and half an inch from my hips in the past four weeks. Though I might just be holding the tape measure in a different place!