Ever since I saw the Adipose episode of Doctor Who, I've wanted Adipose to be real. You take a pill, and get to lose weight and gain adorable little friends both at once.
If only there was such a thing as a quick fix that worked, ha :)
Talking of Doctor Who, I now have one of the stars of The Curse of the Black Spot on my fridge.
She's there because of a thread on Minimins, a weight loss forum I joined a few weeks ago. The first post of the thread mentioned having a 'vision board' of pictures and general motivational stuff. I thought the fridge was as a good a place as any, so there she is among the magnets, with "Put less food in your bowl, get to look like Ms Cole".
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I had a bit of an unhealthy one last weekend, so I didn't lose anything at yesterday's weigh-in. From Monday onwards though, I'd been really good, so at least I didn't gain anything.

Lately (for the past week, anyway!), my head's been in quite a good place with regards to weight loss. Fridays and Saturdays are usually my unhealthy days, and it's very easy to overdo it. Last night though, I was good. Allowed myself a few treats, but included fruit in the snacking so that I only used half the weekly ProPoints that I did on the previous Friday. So now I have plenty left for tonight's post-Who pizza, and a few spare for the week if I need them. :)
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