Saturday, 7 May 2011

Getting back on track. Again.

I failed miserably at the challenge I set myself in the previous post. I thought it was unlikely that I would lose anything that week, but I've gone way too far in the other direction and put on three pounds in the past three weeks.

I haven't been very good at controlling myself over the Easter and birthday period. Sweet things always turn me into this person

and I end up binging.

I've been having big thinks about my relationship with food and such, but getting back on track, for now at least, probably isn't that complicated. I just need to control myself. In the long term though, I do need to rethink my attitude to food. Even after a year and three months of Weight Watchers, I still can't shake the idea that over-eating is fun. Which it is at the time, but I end up angry with myself on weigh-in day. I know that it's so not worth it, but I do it all the same.

I know I had the self-control at one point though. In this post from July, I was all about the self control. Now though, having one treat triggers the craving for more, and I end up letting myself binge. I've become lazy with my weight-watching.

I WILL have a loss this week though! Self-control and vegetables, here I come. I'll let you know how I do after next Friday's weigh-in :)

Friday, Friday
Gotta lose weight for Friday
Everybody's looking forward to a weight loss

(If you don't know what that last bit refers to, you're lucky. Or out of touch with memes. Both of which are healthy.)